Szczecin BG
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 8295, Finanse 1748, Finanse 1754, 3658, Finanse 1762, Finanse 9054, Finanse 1755, Finanse 1763, 1720, Finanse 1749, Finanse 9424, 9373, Finanse 10798, 1761, Finanse 9400, Finanse 1759, Finanse 1752, Finanse 1758, Finanse 9053, 1753, 8294 (21 egz.)
Gryfice BW
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Finanse (10 egz.)
Stargard Szcz. BW
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Analiza finasowa (6 egz.)
Bibliography, etc. note
Bibliogr. s. 219-220.
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